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La instancia ABAP no levanta

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  • #31
    C Procname: [OpenOledbConnection - no proc]
    C Using Provider SQLNCLI
    C OpenOledbConnection: MARS property was set successfully.
    C OpenOledbConnection: line 23857. hr: 0x8000ffff Login failed for user 'IDESVM\SAPServiceECC'.
    C sloledb.cpp [OpenOledbConnection,line 23857]: Error/Message: (err 18456, sev 0), Login failed for user 'IDESVM\SAPServiceECC'.
    C Procname: [OpenOledbConnection - no proc]
    C sloledb.cpp [OpenOledbConnection,line 23857]: Error/Message: (err 0, sev 0), Invalid connection string attribute
    C Procname: [OpenOledbConnection - no proc]
    C Using Provider SQLNCLI
    C OpenOledbConnection: MARS property was set successfully.
    C OpenOledbConnection: line 23857. hr: 0x8000ffff Login failed for user 'IDESVM\SAPServiceECC'.
    C sloledb.cpp [OpenOledbConnection,line 23857]: Error/Message: (err 18456, sev 0), Login failed for user 'IDESVM\SAPServiceECC'.
    C Procname: [OpenOledbConnection - no proc]
    C sloledb.cpp [OpenOledbConnection,line 23857]: Error/Message: (err 0, sev 0), Invalid connection string attribute
    C Procname: [OpenOledbConnection - no proc]
    C failed to establish conn to nplocal).
    C Retrying without protocol specifier: (local)
    C Using Provider SQLNCLI
    C OpenOledbConnection: MARS property was set successfully.
    C OpenOledbConnection: line 23857. hr: 0x8000ffff Login failed for user 'IDESVM\SAPServiceECC'.
    C sloledb.cpp [OpenOledbConnection,line 23857]: Error/Message: (err 18456, sev 0), Login failed for user 'IDESVM\SAPServiceECC'.
    C Procname: [OpenOledbConnection - no proc]
    C sloledb.cpp [OpenOledbConnection,line 23857]: Error/Message: (err 0, sev 0), Invalid connection string attribute
    C Procname: [OpenOledbConnection - no proc]
    C Using Provider SQLNCLI
    C OpenOledbConnection: MARS property was set successfully.
    C OpenOledbConnection: line 23857. hr: 0x8000ffff Login failed for user 'IDESVM\SAPServiceECC'.
    C sloledb.cpp [OpenOledbConnection,line 23857]: Error/Message: (err 18456, sev 0), Login failed for user 'IDESVM\SAPServiceECC'.
    C Procname: [OpenOledbConnection - no proc]
    C sloledb.cpp [OpenOledbConnection,line 23857]: Error/Message: (err 0, sev 0), Invalid connection string attribute
    C Procname: [OpenOledbConnection - no proc]
    C Using Provider SQLNCLI
    C OpenOledbConnection: MARS property was set successfully.
    C OpenOledbConnection: line 23857. hr: 0x8000ffff Login failed for user 'IDESVM\SAPServiceECC'.
    C sloledb.cpp [OpenOledbConnection,line 23857]: Error/Message: (err 18456, sev 0), Login failed for user 'IDESVM\SAPServiceECC'.
    C Procname: [OpenOledbConnection - no proc]
    C sloledb.cpp [OpenOledbConnection,line 23857]: Error/Message: (err 0, sev 0), Invalid connection string attribute
    C Procname: [OpenOledbConnection - no proc]
    C failed to establish conn. 0
    B ***LOG BY2=> sql error -1 performing CON [dbsh#2 @ 1208] [dbsh 1208 ]
    B ***LOG BY0=> Login failed for user 'IDESVM\SAPServiceECC'. [dbsh#2 @ 1208] [dbsh 1208 ]
    B ***LOG BY2=> sql error -1 performing CON [dblink#3 @ 431] [dblink 0431 ]
    B ***LOG BY0=> Login failed for user 'IDESVM\SAPServiceECC'. [dblink#3 @ 431] [dblink 0431 ]
    M ***LOG R19=> ThInit, db_connect ( DB-Connect 000256) [thxxhead.c 1449]
    M in_ThErrHandle: 1
    M *** ERROR => ThInit: db_connect (step 1, th_errno 13, action 3, level 1) [thxxhead.c 10563]
    M Info for wp 0
    M pid = 2656
    M severity = 0
    M status = 0
    M stat = WP_RUN
    M waiting_for = NO_WAITING
    M reqtype = DP_RQ_DIAWP
    M act_reqtype = NO_REQTYPE
    M rq_info = 0
    M tid = -1
    M mode = 255
    M len = -1
    M rq_id = 65535
    M rq_source =
    M last_tid = 0
    M last_mode = 0
    M semaphore = 0
    M act_cs_count = 0
    M csTrack = 0
    M csTrackRwExcl = 0
    M csTrackRwShrd = 0
    M mode_cleaned_counter = 0
    M control_flag = 0
    M int_checked_resource(RFC) = 0
    M ext_checked_resource(RFC) = 0
    M int_checked_resource(HTTP) = 0
    M ext_checked_resource(HTTP) = 0
    M report = > <
    M action = 0
    M tab_name = > <
    M attachedVm = no VM
    M ************************************************** ***************************
    M *
    M * LOCATION SAP-Server idesvm_ECC_01 on host idesvm (wp 0)
    M * ERROR ThInit: db_connect
    M *
    M * TIME Sat Jun 25 23:25:08 2011
    M * RELEASE 701
    M * COMPONENT Taskhandler
    M * VERSION 1
    M * RC 13
    M * MODULE thxxhead.c
    M * LINE 10783
    M * COUNTER 1
    M *
    M ************************************************** ***************************
    M PfStatDisconnect: disconnect statistics
    M Entering TH_CALLHOOKS
    M ThCallHooks: call hook >BtcCallLgCl< for event BEFORE_DUMP
    M ThCallHooks: call hook >ThrSaveSPAFields< for event BEFORE_DUMP
    M *** ERROR => ThrSaveSPAFields: no valid thr_wpadm [thxxrun1.c 723]
    M *** ERROR => ThCallHooks: event handler ThrSaveSPAFields for event BEFORE_DUMP failed [thxxtool3.c 261]
    M Entering ThSetStatError
    M ThIErrHandle: do not call ThrCoreInfo (no_core_info=0, in_dynp_env=0)
    M Entering ThReadDetachMode
    M call ThrShutDown (1)...
    M ***LOG Q02=> wp_halt, WPStop (Workproc 0 2656) [dpnttool.c 334]


    • #32
      Originalmente publicado por tiri2002 Ver Mensaje
      cuando lo instalo, justo en el momento que intenta levantar la instancia, me da este error:

      An error occurred while processing option SAP NetWeaver 7.0 including Enhancement Package 1 > Software Life-Cycle Options > System Copy > MS SQL Server > Target System Installation > Central System > Based on AS ABAP > Central System. You can now:
      Choose Retry to repeat the current step.
      Choose View Log to get more information about the error.
      Stop the option and continue with it later.
      Log files are written to C:\Program Files/sapinst_instdir/NW701/LM/COPY/MSS/SYSTEM/CENTRAL/AS-ABAP/.
      Puedes revisar en los logs de la instalacion cual es es error ?

      Log files are written to C:\Program Files/sapinst_instdir/NW701/LM/COPY/MSS/SYSTEM/CENTRAL/AS-ABAP/

      Un saludo


      • #33
        no sabrías decirme que log debería mirar, es que salen unos cuantos.


        • #34
          Originalmente publicado por tiri2002 Ver Mensaje
          no sabrías decirme que log debería mirar, es que salen unos cuantos.
          Ordenalos por fecha de modificacion , y de los ultimos .... ahora mismo no recuerdo el nombre del fichero , pero son varios donde la instalacion deja el error.


          • #35
            sapinst log
            Archivos Adjuntos


            • #36
              Originalmente publicado por tiri2002 Ver Mensaje
              sapinst log
              Revisa el archivo de paginación y el usuario serviceadm .....



              • #37
                y que miro, como se que están correctos?

